Copenhagen Combatives™ blog is about self-defence training, how to avoid violence, outdoor and urban survival, training methods, new scientific discoveries on physical and mental performance enhancement. This is an informative page about our fields of interest and what we do, for those who do not use Facebook, where our main page and forum are. Sincerely Kim Hansen, trainer for the Copenhagen Combatives™ Group For more info mail to me at (delete this)cph.combatives@gmail.com
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saint Maurice of Turin EUR€ 1720
This is my absolute favourite sword, it’s beautiful and an exact replica of the original, its balanced perfectly, I loved to have the possibility to swing with it and try how it feels to hold one of the most beautiful historical swords.
The Brescia Spadona EUR€ 1950
This one is also perfectly balanced, I was so lucky that I was allowed to swing the original sword at an Italian museum, and also try to swing and stab with ancient swords and daggers. One of the best trips I have been on, helping a friend who owns Albion Europe translate business deals for him in Italy.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Rauch's Rules
1. All predators are always killers. When they attack, your options for
self-defense are very limited.
2. The predator is smarter than you. Act and react accordingly.
3. Predators will use all the force necessary (and then some) to achieve
their goals, without regard to consequences.
4. Predators evaluate their targets before attacking. If you are attacked,
the predator has determined he will succeed without a heavy cost to
5. If you are about to become a victim, you have already made serious
6. Believe what you see; don't go into denial. Your attacker won't.
7. In a lethal confrontation, you will only have time to choose one course
of action – and your life depends on making the right choice.
8. Predators rarely act alone, although the ones that do are the most
dangerous. (If there's one, look for two; if there are two, look for
three, etc.)
9. Fear is the predator’s friend and your enemy.
10. Talk and negotiation rarely work.
11. Predators do not have a conscience. Don't waste time and effort
appealing to any sense of mercy or kindness.
12. Some people cannot be frightened or intimidated. Displaying a weapon
may well not solve and, in some cases, may exacerbate the problem. Be
prepared for this.
13. "Bullets don't work." Gene Zink, Former H&K Law Enforcement
Trainer. No hand-held firearm fires a guaranteed "one-shot-stop"
round. Anticipate needing follow-up shots.
14. Firearms don't work all the time and may well not work when you need
them most.
15. Carry only the biggest-caliber gun you can control.
16. Don't be overly concerned about caliber. No one wants to "leak" or
have holes put in him.
17. Carry a reload
18. Carry a second gun.
19. Be able to get to both handguns with either hand
20. Don't assume you can prevail in the conflict due to your superior
tactics and training. The predator only has to be lucky once. Avoiding
him is still the best defense.
21. The honest citizen pitted against a predator is an unequal contest.
The predator is a professional. Most honest citizens are amateurs.
22. No competition or training, no matter how well learned or practiced,
can equal hands-on experience.
23. Predators constantly validate their training with hands-on experience.
24. Getting hands-on experience can be fatal, but survivors learn their
lessons well!
crime prevention,
Rauch's Rules,
Self Defense,
Thursday, September 27, 2012
The Liger Gun Belt: It’s Like a Lion and a Tiger Got Together To Hold Up Your Pants
The Liger Gun Belt: It’s Like a Lion and a Tiger Got Together To Hold Up Your Pants by BRYAN BLACK on SEPTEMBER 24, 2012
Posted: 24 Sep 2012 01:26 PM PDT
The Liger Gun Belt has been a part of my EDC for the past few months and today I’d like to share my thoughts on it thus far. Manufactured by Edgy Gear and sold by Maxpedition, it’s one of the few products available there that’s 100% made in the USA and that was a big selling point for me. I purchased the Liger Gun Belt to evaluate as an option for wear with every day clothing, more formal attire and especially for use in conjunction with concealed carry. Liger Gun BeltFor starters, the Liger Gun Belt is available in 1.25″ tall and 1.5″ tall configurations. You can also order it in an OD/grey configuration as seen in this review or brown/grey, black/grey and even a blackout version that features a black belt with a black buckle. When I initially purchased the Liger Gun Belt, I ordered a 1.25″ tall version and quickly found I didn’t care for the shorter version and wanted to try the 1.5″ out. Maxpedition was very helpful in allowing me to exchange the original belt for a taller variation, which I greatly appreciated. Something that most reading this may be familiar with, is the sag that can develop in leather and even some nylon belts. While this isn’t an issue, per se, it is worth noting that in nearly four months of wearing the Liger Gun Belt, there haven’t been any issues of sagging or deformation. This is largely in part to the “Ligerthane” material that each belt is made of. ConstructionLigerthane is a proprietary material developed by Edgy Gear, which utilizes a high-strength resin-embedded polyester fabric core and boasts a 2,000+ lb. tensile strength. It’s also rated to over 300 lbs. of pull strength at the belt holes. Coated with a highly abrasion-resistant polyurethane coating, the Liger Gun Belt nearly looks brand new after the months of wear I’ve put it through.SizingThis brings us to sizing. Maxpedition states that sizing is based on actual waist circumference and recommends using a tailor’s tape measure (the flexible kind) to thread through the belt loops of your favorite pair of pants (as you’d normally wear them.) I’ll also note that I didn’t take into account any type of concealed carry when I made my measurement during my purchase. As Maxpedition states that based on the measurement, they provide two holes smaller and three holes larger in 1″ increments, I felt like this would accommodate the range I’d need. It turned out that it certainly did.NotesSo in all, the Liger is pretty much my favorite animal and the Liger Gun Belt ranks right up there with the best belts I’ve ever owned. I’m anxious to even pick up another in brown or black for more formal occasions, as wearing a traditional leather dress belt now just seems wrong.As tempted as I am to use the Liger Gun Belt as an emergency zip line like Indiana Jones, I still can’t bring myself to try it out. Maybe one day… |
Bryan Black,
ITS Tactical,
tactical gear,
The Liger Gun Belt
“The Gift
of Fear” by Gavin de Becker is a must read, but as a good friend told me to be
careful to use advices about personal protection geared to famous and rich
people and use it by people who aren’t in the same category, he has a very good
point, but it still is a very valuable book to read. Here is a personal
experience that I find valuable to read.
crime prevention,
Gavin De Becker,
The Gift of Fear
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Kali Techniques by Guro Chris Roque (Rapido Realismo Kali Paranaque)
Guro Christopher Roque, head of Rapido Realismo Kali Paranaque, demonstrates some stick, knife and empty hand techniques.
How to Defend Big Guy Attacks (and the Honor of Jiu-Jitsu)
A video from Stephan Kesting:
How to counter some of the stupid things bigger people do when they're in your closed guard. And how to defend the honor of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!
Partner Triangle - Drill for Skill - BJJ Weekly Issue #118
This drill is a great warmup dripp and will open your hips while strengthening your core. The drill helps you to elevate your hips while at the same time making your body move in the proper triangle position. Do this for 50-100 reps and you are sure to get a great warmup.
BJJ Weekly,
Partner Triangle,
Pre-workout dynamic warm-up,
warm up
Mackenzie Dern - Refined Omoplata - BJJ Weekly Issue #118
This week Mackenzie demonstrates a very dynamic bjj submission she calls the "refined omoplata". Instead of finishing with her inside leg, she threads her outside leg over the arm creating a more secure and dangerous submission.
BJJ Weekly,
Mackenzie Dern,
Refined Omoplata
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Muay Thai Four Count
Damage Control MMA online academy The Thai Boxing Association's Muay Thai 4 Count Combination is a versatile and multifaceted combination. It can be used in flow as a fighting combination, or in class as a teaching tool. The Muay Thai 4 Count develops your ability to flow seamlessly from kicking range to straight arm punching range to bent arm punching range and back out into kicking range.
Why you need a sharp edge
This is a quick demo showing why you need a scary sharp edge on your EDC even if your tactics involve only thrusting.
knife combat,
knife fighting,
Randy Hodges
Monday, September 24, 2012
The Single Best Exercise To Keep You Injury Free
By Chris Lauretani, PT, MS, CSCS, CKTP, TGI CGFI
Every runner has encountered injuries while running and most injuries, especially in the dog days of summer marathon training, tend to be lower body overuse injuries. These injuries can last weeks if not months and typically consist of problems like ITB tendonitis, hip bursitis, and a myriad of foot and ankle disorders. One major cause for these overuse injuries can be blamed on poor pelvic and core stability, a problem that affects recreational and elite runners alike.
There are many muscles that play a vital role in running and maybe none more important than the gluteus medius. Its job is to abduct and rotate the leg, however it also functions to dynamically stabilize the pelvis. Weak muscles lead to poor stability while more and more strengthening programs attempt to be too creative, sometimes forgetting the basic, most effective exercises.
So here it is….cue the drum role! The single most important exercise you can do to help stay injury free is the side-lying leg raise. Sounds boring and simple and it is, but there is a reason why this exercise is so important. Recent studies have shown that the side lying leg raise, done without rotating or flexing the hip, allows for much greater gluteus medius activation. Many believe the clamshell or toe in / toe out lateral leg raises are more effective, however EMG muscle testing suggests otherwise. Another important factor about the neutral side-lying leg raise is that this position also limits the activation of another muscle, the TFL or tensor fasciae latae. The TFL when activated sometimes overcompensates and over rotates the hip, especially in people with an increased lower back curvature (anterior pelvic tilt).
Sometimes it is important to take a step back and simplify strength and conditioning programs. Often, trainers and therapists try to spice up a routine and add new exercises so their clients feel like they are on the cutting edge, when in fact; each person needs to be looked at individually. This simple, yet effective exercise should be part of every runner’s training program and can easily be incorporated into an active warm-up prior to workouts.
When To Do This Exercise
- Strength training routine – 15 reps x 2 sets, hold for 5 sec and do 2-3x per week
- Pre-workout dynamic warm-up – 20 reps x 1 set, don’t hold and do before each run
Chris Lauretani, PT, MS, CSCS, CKTP is the founder of Symmetry Physical Therapy in Westchester County, New York. As a New York and Connecticut licensed Physical Therapist, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner, he serves as a sports medicine consultant to numerous professional organizations and running clubs. www.SymmetryPT.com
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
In a Mass Knife Fight to the Death Between Every American President, Who Would Win and Why?
Funny article with absolute no informative value other than fun.
Funny article with absolute no informative value other than fun.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Blades and Elbows : Lethal Edges of Kali
I like their videos a lot, most likely due to the similarities to what I teach which is short blade based combat, I teach how to use elbows and knuckles as blades when empty handed.
Double and Single Knife Play
Guro Gerald Pilapil, head instructor of Rapido Realismo Kali Greenhills, demonstrates some double and single knife techniques.
For Kali training blades : http://www.facebook.com/geraldpilapiltrainingblades
Rapido Realismo Kali Facebook page :http://www.facebook.com/rapidorealismokali
Thursday, September 20, 2012
TraditionalFilipinoWeapons.com presents, the Celtic Dress Sword
This Celtic sword can be found onhttp://www.traditionalfilipinoweapons.com/Celtic%20Dress%20Sword.html
This sword speaks for itself in this video. You can see how deadly beautiful this weapon is. You will never find a better quality sword for such a good price anywhere also.
TraditionalFilipinoWeapons.com presents another new TFW collectors item,...
I would like to be able to compare products, statement like the best in the world is naturally what every producer would claim, as we make the 3rd best swords in the world is not good advertising. IMHO Albion is the leading company when it comes to swords, I have talked with a blacksmith who made swords in Italy he tried to hold an Albion sword in his hands and said that it was the most superior craftsmanship he had ever seen. The link below is just one of the many various models they have, check the whole site and see the most awesome swords you can buy. I own one and I would not trade it for anything else, my review is is based on handling and training with swords from some of the best sword makers from Europe .
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Rick Hernandez ICSS Kuntao Standing to Ground flow drills
Rick Hernandez ICSS Kuntao Standing to Ground flow drills
How to Defend Against Injuries Come on Guys! Let’s Roll!!
From My Mad Methods: How to Defend Against Injuries Come on Guys! Let’s Roll!!
Unless you’ve been living under a stone, you should know that BJJ is a martial art,combat sport, and self defense system that focuses on grappling and ground fighting. It teaches that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend against a bigger, stronger assailant by using leverage and proper technique — most notably by applying joint locks and choke holds to defeat the other person. It’s an exciting, highly addictive sport that inspires you and motivates you to be the best YOU that can be, but it is also very strenuous and can be risky. Unfortunately, your biggest opponent is the potential of injury. I am not talking about minor ones like bruises and scratches, which by the way, I love to display as my badges of honor. I am talking about the severe ones, such as dislocations, fractures and joint/ ligament tears. The most common injuries are, Neck, elbow, Knee and shoulder. And for me, the Fitness profession all the ones I mentioned above are the Antichrist. It’s beyond not being able to train, it’s my livelihood. So, what’s a girl to do? Sometimes I’m the only girl in class, training with the big dogs. Even though they are careful, they are still crashing me with their weight and throwing me around like a ragdoll. How do I and everyone who is in love with this crazy sport train, while defeating this scary opponent? Well… Even in this case we apply the old adages, “Prevention is the Best Cure” and my personal favorite, “Train Hard, but Train Smart”. We can’t avoid injuries completely, let’s face it, it is a contact sport, but we can minimize the risk by taking certain steps.
When you enter the school, check your ego at the door. You are not there to compete, you are there to study and your teacher is not there to judge, but to teach and help you improve your game. What his means is that, you should not measure your improvement by “tap-outs”, to the point that you are willing to put yourself and others in a position of potential injury, to ensure victory and satisfy your own insecurity. The same goes for getting submitted. Sparring is just practicing the techniques you’ve been learning in each lesson and tapping out is never a defeat.To me, it’s the best way to evaluate the wholes in your game, study the mistakes you make that give your opponent the chance to dominate you and eventually improve. If you get in a compromising position then, do tap out. A bad day for the ego is a good day for the heart and too much ego will kill your talent. You are responsible for your own safety. Watch how people roll. If there is someone in your school who looks and acts like he just came out of Riker’s Island (that’s a prison in NYC) and feels like dumping his frustration about the world on you, avoid them. The same goes for those who look fabulously spastic and the one who are “Tap” deaf. Tell your teacher that you don’t feel comfortable training with that person. Girls; be on the look out for Macho Macho Man. He does exist! He is not an urban myth around the dojos.
Have you heard of football players taking ballet classes? Sound bizarre, but it actually happens. Why? Because cross training is an excellent tool to increase performance,achieve your fitness goals and keep your body healthy. Strength training is essential. Muscle has power and strength and developing it will provide crucial support for the joints. Weak muscles place them under more stress during training and that stress is what leads to injury. Do your best to fit in 2 or 3 weight training sessions a week, targeting the major muscle groups in your legs and upper body. However, avoid doing too much too soon. Build up slowly and don’t expect miracles. It’s impossible to go from being a couch potato to being a competitive fighter. It’s just doesn’t work that way. Your body will tell you that you are overloading too soon and that the aces and pains and soreness you are feeling is flirting with injury. Take small steps and slowly increase the frequency and intensity of your training. Having that said, even if you are in great condition, ground fighting uses muscles that you never though you have and building those will take some time. I couldn’t believe how sore I was after my first session. My whole body was screaming for Mercy.
So what happens if you have a nagging pain that not only gets to your nerves, it also prevents you from training? I believe in healing the body with movement. Luckily, I’m in a profession where I have access to top therapist and doctors to be fixed on call so to speak. Most people don’t have that luxury so to wrap things up, I asked Dr. Perry Nickelston DC, FMS, Doctor of Chiropractic and my Knight in laser armor (instead of a sword, he has a portable laser machine) to give me a few joint mobility exercises that will restore movement, but also be used as preventative tool to keep those joints flexible. Arm yourselves with a stretch band, a tennis ball and a small towel and watch the demo video we have created for you online.
Last but not least, make sure that you get adequate rest and maybe a day off from training to avoid burn out, but also to give time to the muscles to repair and rebuild. A restful field gives a bountiful crop.
See you on the mat!
"Thou shalt stomp on your vanity every day upon awakening. It is the greatest enemy of progress. Fear not defeat, nor grueling training in the academy." -Carlos Gracie
The following videos were produced by Dr. Perry Nickelston for the specific purpose of generating mobility in key areas that affect BJJ athletes:
Article Information:
Contributor Information:
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Single-Limb Ballistic Kettlebell & Bodyweight Workout: Day 13
Workout Program: Fitness Is Function
Workout Plan: Unconventional Training Basics
Day: 13 of 28
Workout Plan: Unconventional Training Basics
Day: 13 of 28
Purpose/Focus: Strength, Conditioning
Difficulty: Beginner-Moderate
Body Parts Used: All
Equipment: Kettlebell
Equipment: Kettlebell
Day 13: .Single-Limb Ballistic Kettlebell & Bodyweight Workout Video:
Day 13: .Single-Limb Ballistic Kettlebell & Bodyweight Workout Instructions:
Perform each set with no rest in between exercises. Rest as needed in between sets.
A1 Snatch (Right) - 3-5 x10
A2: 1-Leg Push Up (Right) - 3-5 x 10
A3: Snatch (Left) - 3-5 x 10
A4: 1-Leg Push Up (Left) - 3-5 x10
B1: High Pull (Right) - 3-5 x10
B2: Pistol Deck Squat (Right) - 3-5 x10
B3: High Pull ( left) - 3-5 x 10
B4: Pistol Deck Squat (Left) 3-5 x 10
C1: Swing (Right) - 3-5 x10
C2: 2-Limb PLank (Left) - 3-5 x 60 sec
C3: Swing (Left) - 3-5 x 10
C4: 2-Limb Plank (Right) - 3-5 x 60 sec
HE: Clean & Jerk 4 x 30sec ES
A2: 1-Leg Push Up (Right) - 3-5 x 10
A3: Snatch (Left) - 3-5 x 10
A4: 1-Leg Push Up (Left) - 3-5 x10
B1: High Pull (Right) - 3-5 x10
B2: Pistol Deck Squat (Right) - 3-5 x10
B3: High Pull ( left) - 3-5 x 10
B4: Pistol Deck Squat (Left) 3-5 x 10
C1: Swing (Right) - 3-5 x10
C2: 2-Limb PLank (Left) - 3-5 x 60 sec
C3: Swing (Left) - 3-5 x 10
C4: 2-Limb Plank (Right) - 3-5 x 60 sec
HE: Clean & Jerk 4 x 30sec ES
Contributor Information:
Mark de Grasse is the owner of MyMadMethods.com, My Mad Methods Magazine, and My Mad Methods Productions. In addition to being a certified trainer specializing in kettlebells and bodyweight training, Mark is also the chief editor and designer of both the website, magazine, and My Mad Methods Productions DVDs. Find out more.
Off Day Partner Kettlebell & Bodyweight Workout: Day 12
Workout Program: Fitness Is Function
Workout Plan: Unconventional Training Basics
Day: 12 of 28
Workout Plan: Unconventional Training Basics
Day: 12 of 28
Purpose/Focus: Strength, Conditioning
Difficulty: Beginner
Body Parts Used: All
Equipment: Kettlebell, Sandbag
Equipment: Kettlebell, Sandbag
Day 12: Off Day Partner Kettlebell & Bodyweight Workout Video:
Day 12: Off Day Partner Kettlebell & Bodyweight Workout Instructions:
Perform each set with no rest in between exercises. Rest as needed in between sets.
A: 2- Hand Swing/ Push Up - 2 x 20
B: Clean/ Jump Squat (BW Squat) - 2 x 20
C: Deadlift/Coffin Sit Up - 2 x20
D: Push Press / Hand Walkout - 2 x 20
E: Suitcase Deadlift / Hip Thruster to Sit Up - 2 x20
B: Clean/ Jump Squat (BW Squat) - 2 x 20
C: Deadlift/Coffin Sit Up - 2 x20
D: Push Press / Hand Walkout - 2 x 20
E: Suitcase Deadlift / Hip Thruster to Sit Up - 2 x20
Contributor Information:
Mark de Grasse is the owner of MyMadMethods.com, My Mad Methods Magazine, and My Mad Methods Productions. In addition to being a certified trainer specializing in kettlebells and bodyweight training, Mark is also the chief editor and designer of both the website, magazine, and My Mad Methods Productions DVDs. Find out more.
Day 11: Sandbag Conditioning and Grip Stamina Workout
Workout Program: Fitness Is Function
Workout Plan: Unconventional Training Basics
Day: 11 of 28
Workout Plan: Unconventional Training Basics
Day: 11 of 28
Purpose/Focus: Strength, Conditioning
Difficulty: Beginner
Body Parts Used: All
Equipment: Sandbag
Equipment: Sandbag
Day 11: Sandbag Conditioning and Grip Stamina Workout Video:
Day 11: Sandbag Conditioning and Grip Stamina Workout Instructions:
Perform each set with no rest in between exercises. Rest as needed in between sets.
A1: Sandbag Floor press to Hip Thrust - 3-5 x 20
A2: Sandbag Pinch Grip Hold - 3-5 x 60 sec
B1: Sandbag Overhead Squat - 3-5 x 10
B2: Fingertip Push Up - 3-5 x20
C1: Shoulder to Shoulder Press - 3-5 x 20
C2: Sided Farmer Hold - 3-5 x 60sec
D1: Sandbag Deadlift to Clean 3-5 x20
D2: Sandbag Around the Body - 3-5 x 20ES
HE: Sandbag Snatch 4 x 60sec
A2: Sandbag Pinch Grip Hold - 3-5 x 60 sec
B1: Sandbag Overhead Squat - 3-5 x 10
B2: Fingertip Push Up - 3-5 x20
C1: Shoulder to Shoulder Press - 3-5 x 20
C2: Sided Farmer Hold - 3-5 x 60sec
D1: Sandbag Deadlift to Clean 3-5 x20
D2: Sandbag Around the Body - 3-5 x 20ES
HE: Sandbag Snatch 4 x 60sec
Contributor Information:
Mark de Grasse is the owner of MyMadMethods.com, My Mad Methods Magazine, and My Mad Methods Productions. In addition to being a certified trainer specializing in kettlebells and bodyweight training, Mark is also the chief editor and designer of both the website, magazine, and My Mad Methods Productions DVDs. Find out more.
Workout Program: Fitness Is Function
Workout Plan: Unconventional Training Basics
Day: 10 of 28
Workout Plan: Unconventional Training Basics
Day: 10 of 28
Purpose/Focus: Strength, Conditioning
Difficulty: Beginner
Body Parts Used: All
Equipment: Kettlebel, Sandbag
Equipment: Kettlebel, Sandbag
Day 10: Bodyweight, Kettlebell, Sandbag Workout Video:
< >>>
Day 10: Bodyweight, Kettlebell, Sandbag Workout Instructions:
Perform each set with no rest in between exercises. Rest as needed in between sets.
A1: Crucifix Push Up - 3-5 x 20
A2: Double Floor Press - 3-5 x 10ES
A3: Sandbag Pullover - 3-5 x 20
B1: Squat to Knee Touch - 3-5 x 20
B2: Sumo Deadlift - 3-5 x 20
B3: Zercher Squat - 3-5 x20
C1: Socal Sit Ups - 3-5 x 20
C2: Heavy Windmill from Ground - 3-5 x 10ES
C3: Sandbag Sit Up - 3-5 x 20
HE:: High Pull - 4 x 30sec ES
A2: Double Floor Press - 3-5 x 10ES
A3: Sandbag Pullover - 3-5 x 20
B1: Squat to Knee Touch - 3-5 x 20
B2: Sumo Deadlift - 3-5 x 20
B3: Zercher Squat - 3-5 x20
C1: Socal Sit Ups - 3-5 x 20
C2: Heavy Windmill from Ground - 3-5 x 10ES
C3: Sandbag Sit Up - 3-5 x 20
HE:: High Pull - 4 x 30sec ES
Contributor Information:
Mark de Grasse is the owner of MyMadMethods.com, My Mad Methods Magazine, and My Mad Methods Productions. In addition to being a certified trainer specializing in kettlebells and bodyweight training, Mark is also the chief editor and designer of both the website, magazine, and My Mad Methods Productions DVDs. Find out more.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Day 9: FIF Diet - Eggs, Bacon, Spinach Breakfast
Workout Program: Fitness Is Function
Workout Plan: Unconventional Training Basics
Day: 9 of 28
Workout Plan: Unconventional Training Basics
Day: 9 of 28
Purpose/Focus: Nutrition
Difficulty: Beginner
Body Parts Used: All
Equipment: NA
Equipment: NA
Day 9: FIF Diet - Eggs, Bacon, Spinach Breakfast Video:
< >>>
Contributor Information:
Mark de Grasse is the owner of MyMadMethods.com, My Mad Methods Magazine, and My Mad Methods Productions. In addition to being a certified trainer specializing in kettlebells and bodyweight training, Mark is also the chief editor and designer of both the website, magazine, and My Mad Methods Productions DVDs. Find out more.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Day 8: Kettlebell Grip Endurance & Light Conditioning Workout
Workout Program: Fitness Is Function
Workout Plan: Unconventional Training Basics
Day: 8 of 28
Workout Plan: Unconventional Training Basics
Day: 8 of 28
Purpose/Focus: Strength, Conditioning
Difficulty: Beginner
Body Parts Used: All
Equipment: Kettlebell
Equipment: Kettlebell
Day 8: .Kettlebell Grip Endurance & Light Conditioning Workout Video:
Day 8: Kettlebell Grip Endurance & Light Conditioning Workout Instructions:
Perform each set with no rest in between exercises. Rest as needed in between sets.
A1: Kettlebell Row - 3-5 x10ES
A2: Pistol Grip Hold - 3-5 x 30sec
B1: 1- Leg Deadlift - 3-5 x 10ES
B2: Side Handle Hold - 3-5 x 30sec
C1: Halo - 3-5 x 20
C2: Bucket Hold - 3-5 x 60sec
D1: Squat Curl - 3-5 x 20
D2: Bar Hang - 3-5 x 60sec
HE: Deadlift to Sprawl - 4 x 60 sec
A2: Pistol Grip Hold - 3-5 x 30sec
B1: 1- Leg Deadlift - 3-5 x 10ES
B2: Side Handle Hold - 3-5 x 30sec
C1: Halo - 3-5 x 20
C2: Bucket Hold - 3-5 x 60sec
D1: Squat Curl - 3-5 x 20
D2: Bar Hang - 3-5 x 60sec
HE: Deadlift to Sprawl - 4 x 60 sec
Contributor Information:
Mark de Grasse is the owner of MyMadMethods.com, My Mad Methods Magazine, and My Mad Methods Productions. In addition to being a certified trainer specializing in kettlebells and bodyweight training, Mark is also the chief editor and designer of both the website, magazine, and My Mad Methods Productions DVDs. Find out more.
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