Copenhagen Combatives™ blog is about self-defence training, how to avoid violence, outdoor and urban survival, training methods, new scientific discoveries on physical and mental performance enhancement. This is an informative page about our fields of interest and what we do, for those who do not use Facebook, where our main page and forum are. Sincerely Kim Hansen, trainer for the Copenhagen Combatives™ Group For more info mail to me at (delete this)cph.combatives@gmail.com
Friday, November 30, 2012
Mike Hughes (shooter) Experiments on his Wife...(teaching your woman not to flinch :) )
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Former Army boxing champion, 71, floors 6ft 4in thug half his age after being punched in the face in attack By BECKY EVANS
Former Army boxing champion, 71, floors 6ft 4in thug half his age after being epunched in the face in attack
PUBLISHED: 18:11 GMT, 12 November 2012 | UPDATED: 18:11 GMT, 12 November 2012
A 6ft 4ins thug who attacked a man more than twice his age was left with a dislocated shoulder after the pensioner floored him with two right hooks.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2231867/Former-Army-boxing-champion-71-floors-6ft-4in-thug-Mark-Pearce-punched-face-Torquay-attack.html#ixzz2C7fPkfxv
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
High Percentage Rear Mount Escape for Gi and No-Gi
The first rear mount escape you should go for, from 'How to Defeat the Bigger, Stronger Opponent, Series, 2, with Brandon Mullins.' This 5 DVD set is now available at http://www.grapplearts.com/biggerstronger2
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Silat Footwork & Balance disruption
Once upon a time, far back in our evolutionary history, we had tails to help us maintain our balance when running about with each other up in the trees. As we have now filled a slightly different, ground dwelling ecological niche, we have lost the need for tails as a means of maintaining balance although there are still remnants of this particular period in our evolutionary past visible in the elongated form of our coccyx (which incidentally can make an interesting target in a combative sense), and even in some of the Pharyngeal stage in our embryonic development, where we in fact grow a tail for a short time (and gills, and a covering of hair.)
This aside, despite the fact that our vestibular system is highly advanced and is usually pretty good at allowing us to maintain our balance, there are still some inevitable flaws of our bipedal arrangement that we can easily exploit as martial artists in order to better our position in a combative situation.
The two principles in this video provide a very brief introduction into methods for exploitation of the natural flaws in our balance.
This aside, despite the fact that our vestibular system is highly advanced and is usually pretty good at allowing us to maintain our balance, there are still some inevitable flaws of our bipedal arrangement that we can easily exploit as martial artists in order to better our position in a combative situation.
The two principles in this video provide a very brief introduction into methods for exploitation of the natural flaws in our balance.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Exercise of the Day: Atlasthenics Warmup
Calisthenics + Atlas Stones = Atlasethnics
This the Atlasthenics warmup a combo of calisthenics and tossing the atlas stones in creative ways. One stone weighs 185lbs. the other weighs 230lbs. they will only get heavier and heavier as we adapt. Here i still got my injured right chest couldn't do much. Me and my friend George did a bunch of warmup sets he practiced some moves in between while tossing both stones. This is a basic Atlasthenics warmup to prepare for a severe workout that will last a while.
Find out more at www.youtube.com/user/IRONL00
Combat Knife Throwing
The motto of Ralph Thorn's school of combat knife throwing is Any knife, any angle, any position; no games, no gimmicks, no limits. In this groundbreaking video production from Paladin Press, he proves it, teaching you a truly combative style of weapons throwing that isn't based on figuring out exact distances and numbers of spins and half-spins. In fact, Thorn has mastered a no-spin throwing style that cuts through the myth and hokum to show that there's no mystery or complexity to knife throwing: all you need are a few knives, a target, and some practice. Relying on gross motor skills, Thorn shows you how to throw not only knives and swords, but also improvised weapons: if it has a point, you can get it to stick consistently and accurately. Using state-of-the-art computer graphics and super-slow-motion videography, you will learn the mechanics of the no-spin throw, the powerful sidearm throw for close-range fighting, the underhand half-spin throw, the shuriken throw for long-distance attacks and much more. Thorn also shows various trick throws, including blindfolded throwing, behind-the-back knife tosses and throwing accurately while going at a dead run.
Combat Knife Throwing,
knife combat,
Paladin Press
Sunday, November 25, 2012
The 36 Most Important Self-defense Techniques of All Time - The Birth of...
Although Gracie Jiu-Jitsu consists of more than 600 techniques, studies of the fights conducted by members of the Gracie Family show that 36 techniques have been used more often, and with greater success, than all the other techniques combined. Originally developed for the U.S. Army, Gracie Combatives is the only course that is entirely dedicated to the mastery of these 36 essential techniques. For 17 years, this course was taught exclusively to the U.S. Army, but now it's being used to prepare civilians for real fights in the least amount of time possible. The program taught exclusively at Certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Training Centers around the world (http://www.GracieSchools.com), but can also be accessed on DVD or online at http://www.GracieUniversity.com.
To learn more about how you can learn Gracie Jiu-Jitsu from home, or to watch lesson 1 for free, to go http://www.GracieCombatives.com
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Mackenzie Dern - Leg Lock - BJJ Weekly Issue #120
In her final week, Mackenzie shows us this great sweep from reverse DLR and transitions to a straight knee bar. Mackenzie has amazing technique so be sure and watch for the details and tips she gives. We would like to thank Mackenzie also for coming out to the immersion camp we hosted this summer to teach and making the camp tons of fun!
Zombies - Skyrim great sword test! Zombie survival weapons.
In this episode we visit Cold Steel and Lynn Thompson to see if a Two Handed Great Sword can make a zombie go boom!
Zombie Go Boom empowers you with the skills you need to kick ass and survive the zombie apocalypse!
Want to buy the products featured in this episode?
Shirts and Jersey: http://animalcustoms.com/ZGB/All-Products/-1
Great Swordi: http://www.coldsteel.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zombie-Go-Boom/217091111638816
Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ZombieGoBoomTV?feature=mhee
Music by Klayplex
How to kill a zombie with a sword
How to kill a zombie.
How to use sword
How to survive the zombie apocalypse.
Zombie Go Boom presented by:
ZGB Studios
In association with:
Silver Shamrock Lab
Produced by:
Chris Mills
James Sweet
Chuck Meré
Jim Goza as himself
Chuck Meré as himself
Charles Fultz as himself
Frances Wilson as herself
Kersten Elliot as herself
Friday, November 23, 2012
Murderous matches
Comparing Mexican states with equivalent countries
MEXICO’S murder rate has doubled over the past five years, to nearly 19 per 100,000 people per year. But what does that really mean? To give an idea of how safe or dangerous the country's various states are, we have compared their crime statistics with those of whole countries. Visitors can relax in YucatĂĄn, the safest state, which has about the same murder rate as Finland. Tlaxcala, not far from Mexico City, is about as safe as the United States. At the other end of the spectrum Chihuahua, the most violent state, has a murder rate equivalent to El Salvador, one of the most violent countries in the world. Another way of looking at the data is to compare the gross totals. The state of San Luis PotosĂ, for instance, has seen as many murders in the past year as all of Spain, despite having a population of just 2.6m.
Cold Steel 90WH War Hammer Available at KnifeCenter
Available at KnifeCenter.com.
At the end of the 13th century, the sword ruled supreme as the primary weapon of Knights and Men-At-Arms. However, with the introduction of steel plate armor, the popularity of the sword as a battlefield weapon began to wane. You see, the problem was the sword couldn't cut or crush steel plate and had to be specially designed for use only as a thrusting weapon if it was to have even a chance at piercing plate armor. Enter the War Hammer- an ideal weapon for use against an opponent who is encased in plate steel. The heavy hammer head could crush the strongest helmet or suit of plate armor with just a few blows and the back spike could rip through helm and plate like a modern can opener! In battle, the hammer side was usually employed first to knock down and stun an enemy. Once he was on the ground, helpless, the hammer was reversed and the back spike was used to punch a hole through the helmet and deliver the coup de grace. Now Special Projects brings you an inexpensive, yet highly effective, recreation of this awesome weapon. Weighing a little over 21/2" lbs., our War Hammer is highly maneuverable and can be easily wielded with one or both hands. The head is drop forged out of 5150 steel and differentially heat treated . This means the point of the spike and enormous hammer face (11/2" x 11/2") are fully hardened so they can pierce and crush tough materials without failing while the rest of the hammer is left soft to absorb the shock of heavy blows. The handle of our War Hammer has been designed to be equally tough. Made of straight grain American Hickory and measuring 30" long it provides tremendous leverage so enormously powerful blows may be struck. To protect the handle from assault by an opponent armed with an edged weapon we have included a pair of sturdy steel langets which can be attached below the head with the screws provided. (Some assembly is required. Instructions are included).
The As If Principle
Clenching a fist is imprinted, if babies clench a fist when they are angry, anger will make you clench a fist, so you actually get a 40% improvement, not bad.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Technique Tuesdays with Duke Wrestling
This week Duke Assistant Wrestling Coach, Ben Wissel, will show a cross over stand up to a hip-hiest. Assistant Coach Wissel was a two-time All-American and a four time NCAA qualifier for Purdue University. Use this technique whenever an opponent continues to drop to a leg or an ankle to defend your stand-up. For more techniques and information on Duke Wrestling, visit our facebook page at Duke Wrestling or follow us on our official twitter page @Duke_WRES. #GoDuke
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
THE SIG 556R out to 400 yards
| |
Sword Fighting As It Was For the Vikings
I didn’t know there was Viking sword fighting system that had survived, I hate this kind of BS as there are no manuals that I am aware of about Viking sword fighting, and the only surviving Viking martial art is Glima wrestling that survived in Iceland .
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Lloyd Irvin Fight 2 from the 2012 NoGi World Championships
Lloyd Irvin's 2nd fight from the 2012 Nogi World Championships. Lloyd dropped 35 lbs to prepare for this event.
Kung Fu Superstar: Become the Ultimate Martial Arts Stuntman
Monday, November 19, 2012
SoCal Sit Up Progressions
From My Mad Methods
SoCal Sit Up Progressions
Joey Alvarado, MMA Coach, Trainer, and creator of Kettle-Jitsu takes a boot camp through a series of progressive sit up variations including Sit Up/Russian Twist Combos, Combat Sit Ups, Sit Up/Rocking Chair Combos, Knee Drops, Shin Boxes and more.
Find out more at www.SoCalMMAFitness.com or www.youtube.com//kettlejitsu71
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Solitary Fitness author Charlie Bronson
This book is written by one of UK most violent prison
inmates, having spent most of his life in solitary confinement and used
every chance he had to use violence, makes this book special, this will give
you an insight of how an extreme violent prison inmate train to prepare
himself to use violence against anyone he could get his hands on.
Bronson - 2008 (Full Movie) Blocked In USA and Germany Sorryed In USA and Germany Sorry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m45lgLhpLs
Charlie Bronson,
Solitary Fitness,
solo training,
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Nov. 5th 2009 Movie comes out tomorow. Colonel James "Nick" Rowe was the man who started "staring at goats" Special Forces project. Tought by Guy Savelli, watch and learn the real story before the Hollywood hype.
For other other real Special Forces mind soldiers of the 1970s see books by Mike Echanis.
Also see Sonny Puzikas in video.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Science & U!: Science and Aging
Tinabeth Pina explores how advances in science and medicine are contributing to all of us living longer lives.
Lisa Beth Kovetz investigates stem cell medicine and its cutting edge breakthroughs in helping to cure disease and slow down aging.
Marlene Peralta has the latest on the scientific advances in treating Parkinson's disease.
Carol Anne Riddell explains why exercise is one of the most effective things we can do for healthy aging.
Ernabel Demillo looks at aging pets - and how we can help them through the process and learn something about our own aging.
For More Information:
EXERCISE (Carol Anne Riddell)
AGING DOGS (Ernabel Demillo)
Taped: 10-23-12
Science & U! explores the world of science, taking the headlines and information you need and showing its importance in our everyday life. From technology, research and health to kids, humor and the arts each program explores these topics in clear, concise and engaging presentations designed for audiences of all backgrounds and ages!
Watch more Science & U! at www.cuny.tv/show/scienceandu
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Awareness is Impossible
A must read
article for self defence instructors, don’t see it like a statement of absolute
truth, but think about if the information will have an impact on old
assumptions, assumptions is the mother of all fuck ups.
psychology research,
scientific studies
Deep Half Guard Killer Crucifix - BJJ Weekly Issue #122 with Jared Weiner
This week we present expert Jared Weiner from BJJ United / Team Lloyd Irvin. Jared teaches us how to kill the deep half guard and secure the crucifix position while you pass. He also shows us a couple really nice choke positions. Jared is an active competitor and all his techniques have been tried and tested on the battleground. This technique is very high percentage.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
With that speed, attitude, compliance and power she is attacked with, I can do any kind of counter technique no matter how inefficient it is.
training methods
Jeff Glover's favorite NoGi techniques On Demand
Very good idea to have those videos on demand. Sometimes, I don't buy videos because I just can't stand waiting for them after spending the money. I like paying and watching them right away, otherwise, I start regretting I spent the money in something I don't really need. Anyway ,I hope Budovideos can keep up with the idea and bring something good and new with Shawn Williams.
Tornado Drill - Drill for Skill - BJJ Weekly Issue #122
This is a perfect multipurpose drill. It helps improve your hip movement, balance, core strength and flexibility. It also helps your timing and ability to invert. Our expert always stays connected with her partner during the drill.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Chen Xiaowang Applications DVD excerpt, Laojia/19ct w/ fajin
Chen Xiaowang Applications DVD excerpt, Laojia/19ct w/ fajin, off "Ancestral Chen-style Taijiquan: Internal strength learning boxing and coiling slightly"
Also, for English speakers - the translation is obviously very rough. This is one of those reasons to 1) learn Chinese, or 2) watch these DVDs over and over to start to get what is meant. Both are good. :-) And, of course, to concentrate your attention on the fine movements of such a master of the body. What he says is important, how he moves is its manifestation.
Also, I feel sorry for the guy in red. He really gets tossed around, even though I'm sure Chen Xiaowang isn't trying to break him. Though the clipping back to bigger angles is poorly timed, as always on these DVDs... The "Too much production" problem in this whole series (green-screen dragons, waterfalls, etc. taking away from Chen Xiaowang's amazingness)
Lastly, the final bit on this DVD (this is the last 10 minutes) on the applications of foot stomp and downward punch is golden. Super helpful for me.
Monday, November 12, 2012
SPARTAN/HARSEY II, Infantryman’s first choice for last resorts on the battlefield!
Posted by Steven Dick.
Images by Steve Woods
The new Spartan/Harsey II is the perfect shape and size for a serious combat knife. Big enough to be effective as a weapon without being so large it isn’t useful for everyday cutting needs.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
5 Knots You Need to Know How to Tie at All Times
5 Knots You Need to Know How to Tie at All Times
by BRYAN BLACK on MARCH 30, 2012
We’re doing something different today with our Knot of the Week series and taking a look at five knots that you should know how to tie at all times. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been out with friends and had to tie something or someone down and everyone just looks at me.
No matter how often I remind them they need to read our KOTW articles and watch the videos here on ITS, I thought I’d put together an article on what I consider to be the knots I use the most on a regular basis and why you should have them at your disposal. Below you’ll find links to our original articles on ITS with tying instructions, as well as embedded videos that take you step-by-step through each of them.
Let’s face it, it’s hard to remember all the knots we teach here on ITS and knot tying is a depreciable skill that needs to be practiced. So let’s look at five, in no particular order, that you should know how to tie with your eyes closed or even underwater.
Bowline / One-Handed Bowline
It seems like I’m always tying a bowline to secure a line to a fixed point. It’s a great all-around knot and one you should definitely know both on its own and one-handed.
Taut-Line Hitch
Some interesting sliders and devices now appear on tents’ guy lines to adjust tension. Call me old fashioned, but I still prefer a Taut-Line Hitch.
Threaded Figure-Eight
While the application I’m mentioning almost needs to be paired with a Swiss Seat at the least, nothing beats the Threaded Figure 8 to safely get you down from heights, whether on purpose or in an emergency situation.
Double Fisherman’s Knot
Power Cinch Knot
Honorable Mention – Chain Sinnet
If you liked this article, you may also like:
- Knot of the Week: Rigging a Tarp Shelter, Part 3
- Knot of the Week: Rigging a Tarp Shelter, Part 2
- Knot of the Week: Rigging a Tarp Shelter, Part 1
- Save Your Life With a One Handed Bowline
- Knot of the Week: Paracord Storage Sinnet
- Knot of the Week: Hasty Webbing Harness
- Shorten Your Rope for Tangle Resistant Storage
- How to Tie Knots Like a Navy SEAL Underwater
- Knot of the Week: Double Fisherman's Knot
- Knot of the Week: Threaded Figure-Eight
- Knot of the Week: Tape Knot
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