Friday, December 21, 2012

Reinventing the fastest forgotten archery.

Got to love his shooting and his comment on his Youtube channel, this man is a rare type that will not let others narrow views of what is possible stop him, which is a huge problem as I hate listening to self proclaimed experts saying it is impossible and it is visible it is due to lack of skills, he shows that he can acquire skills beyond what seems possible, this man is a genius maverick. There are too many interested in medieval European Martial Arts who lack skills and proclaim themselves as experts by reading old books, with no prior martial arts experience or with some martial arts experience with another ancient weapon style, so they at least have a base and foundation to build from, but most of them have no real skills, there is today a lot of new really skilled practitioners and teachers, but there are more swindlers than the real deal, that does provoke me as I hate to listen to all kind of BS no matter what subject, but with a dead art it is hard to know if its done properly and easy to fraud people with naming fancy old German guards and techniques. I have only one advice for anyone interested in medieval European Martial Arts, the only and best groups you can find are the European Historical Combat Guild (EHCG), Gladiatores, Sieniawski & Sons, our own group Kratos Combatives, there are others but most of them are full of BS but watch videos with them and you have a baseline of how quality looks like.


Faster than Legolas! 
A historical technique much faster than the known.

The Danish archers Lars Andersen has rediscovered. an old and very fast way to shoot bows.

To compare speed
I have added 4 other good fast archers together !
to show the time it takes to shoot 10 arrows.

It is completely unscientific and not objectively
The 4 other archers can probably shoot faster than these video.

1: Lajos Kassai famous and fabulous Hungarian. 
Fastest horseback shooting in the world !
He was the one who first inspired me to fast shooting.
Shoot and teach the horses and archery system
he has developed.
A system based on pre angerede arrows.

2: Iza Privezenceva tough Russian girl.
Fastest quiver shooting in the world!
She shoots a new and very interesting inverse system developed by Seregedel.

3: DasDaan Dutch archer
He shoots a ""classic"" quiver system

4: Bo " CombatArchery" cole American archer.
Shoot and teach the system he has developed
A fairly simple straightforward system, without the 
use of pre angerede arrows.
The best start system for people who want to shooting fast

In 60,000 years, man has shot with bow,
Today we know very little about the past archery.
so much is lost.
There are no truths, or proper ways to shoot with bow,
I have rediscovered something about archery, but there is still so much to rediscover.

Lars Andersen

Comments on my videos:
I remove: stupid and not funny comments, childish criticism,,,,,

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