Monday, August 13, 2012

LIVING COLOUR - Jim Carey-Karate Instructor

What makes this even funnier is that I have been told that I attacked wrongly by one of my former instructors, it was the same attack as I used to do for 4 years, but they changed the parries so it would either collapse due to a bad posture and left a huge gap where the attack could go right trough.

This a tragicomically experience, I quit training mainly due to a contract obligation to not teach the same weapons in 2 independent systems, sadly I did not inform my old teacher about this, but I knew I would be on the public enemy black list by choosing to teach the style I loved most, and I didn’t care if I was in bad standing with my old club. I have no problem doing what I love to do, and not wasting time on a stupid grudge about absolute control about what I do.

They used to intimidate people who changed styles with violence, by storming the dojo and provoking a fight, my guess is the only reason it did not happen to me was the fact they knew how good I could fight with any kind of bladed weapon, I used to win 50% of the times sparring against my former master. Everyone in the club knew I could fatally stab 14 unarmed martial artists in 12.4 seconds, some of them had a lot of experienced from working as a bouncer, their assignment was to try and stop me. We replicated this again later and the result was that in 1 second I could stab 2 people fatally with multiple hits, no one could stop me empty handed.

Such experience proves 2 things:

1 empty hand skills is not enough to be able to defend against a knife attack, training with the weapons you most likely will be attacked with, requires training how to use them to discover the advantage and disadvantage.

2 fighting an opponent with the necessary skillset to how to use a blade against multiple attackers is the worst kind of nightmare to stop.

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