Copenhagen Combatives™ blog is about self-defence training, how to avoid violence, outdoor and urban survival, training methods, new scientific discoveries on physical and mental performance enhancement. This is an informative page about our fields of interest and what we do, for those who do not use Facebook, where our main page and forum are. Sincerely Kim Hansen, trainer for the Copenhagen Combatives™ Group For more info mail to me at (delete this)cph.combatives@gmail.com
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Friday, October 4, 2013
What Is Pseudoscience?
The article from
Scientific American is worth reading.
Distinguishing between science and pseudoscience is problematic, and its prevalent in martial arts and combative training, where scientific studies are used to prove a point but are used in the wrong context, like Hick’s Law that is very popular and proponents for that it applies to combat is wrong, as it is a study of choosing between various conscious choices and it’s used for simplify menu systems and other machines or electronic products to make it easier and faster to use, but combat is spontaneous and reflexive actions take over and are unconscious with enough training. No matter what sport, if the athlete is feeling that he is loosing and start to focus on every detail, then Hick’s Law can start to kick in as he will focus on every single detail and try to chose the best action to get back to a flow state, he will loose as he descends in a negative mental spiral from fear of failure, there plenty of scientific studies to back that fact. This article has nothing to do with combat specifically but I find that many things I have been taught is based on pseudoscience, old scientific studies that have been proven wrong or used in the wrong context. Updated scientific studies and articles about how the mind works has taught me more than the vast majority of teachers I have trained under, I find that the understanding of perception and how the brain works as the most important information to evolve as a teacher and martial artist, as it is the mind that triggers the actions, having a gun but lacking the knowledge of how it works and the will to shoot renders it useless and will kill you, the gun can be any kind of martial art or combative training. The prefight stage is not prioritized at all in nearly all martial arts, preparing the mind for combat takes time and require the proper training, it is prevalent in Asian and south east Asian martial arts that the will to kill or fight is the primary and most important factor, strength as second, and technique as the last one. In Japan most systems had to change that mindset after WW2, so they could continue to practice their killing arts but had to change it to get it approved by the USA, in the western world the priority is reverse, that is to not get stigmatized as an immoral activity, to get more students by creating the illusion that technique can easily defeat strength, but pure aggression can defeat both if the opponent believes that he can be fearless and have an empty mind, but the reality is that physical and even verbal confrontation will affect the psychological state of mind, as many tend to forget that the mindset of some of the best and most efficient killers or fighters cant be used by everyone, as many are sociopaths on the right side of the fence and can write books about having and empty mind with no fear as they lack or have a lower sense of fear.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Miyamoto Musashi’s book “”The Book of Five Rings”
I have the last 5 months reread Miyamoto Musashi’s book “”The Book of Five Rings” and have had quite a lot of eureka moments, as the more times I read it I get a completely new perspective about bladed combat, I have lost count as it is more than 10 times as I don’t take notes but try to understand the full picture than just a few pieces of the puzzle, as I view it from my interpretation of the book that has changed or rather confirmed my view on how to use long bladed weapons, which is completely contrary to how I have been taught to do in sport fencing, the FMA styles I have trained and other systems where the weapon is launched first and the body moves after or at the same time.
As it is nearly the same as I have learned training AMOK! stick and machete, making it easier for me to change muscle memory and an easy transition, that in the end has removed any doubt about if I should or could combine previous training and concepts, but I cant as they are incompatible with my current one, but also teach how others systems attacks to have general idea of why and what to expect, and most importantly persons with no training based on watching how untrained persons swings a stick horizontal at shoulder height as it is the most natural way for the shoulder, so they are exposed to very different attacks to learn and experience the difference in oppositional training and sparring.
The emphasis on using the body first to launch the attack, and with heavy stickiness on impact which will keep the pressure on the line of attack instead of a possible redirection of his weapon and an unknown counter attack path, creates situations that I have been training a lot and have explored all kinds of variations for swords, inspired by a really good chi sao like sensitivity drill I was taught by a HEMA instructor Dan Smith from the EHCG, which then opens up for a lot ways to find a Guided Discovery path/way to attack while keeping the opponent locked in a momentary fixed position, that leaves him no choice than to keep him there to avoid being cut as the power output is maximal and if he breaks contact he will get cut, or try to find a way to attack without disengaging the blade to blade contact. That is only 1 element of many that makes the book so interesting to keep reading it over and over again, the book is so full of wisdom that I find it worth to keep on finding as much as possible from a source with so much to offer.
I have used the same concept with knives and it is perfect for martial arts trained opponents that does not move their hands outside the frame of their torso when they parry, as while the other is working on a solution and is at the start of the second OODA loop (Observe, Orientate, Decide, Action) after his parry which is his 1st loop, I find a path by reflex and have finished my actions and have completed the 2nd OODA loop with my second attack that is combined with a pin, control of his weapon hand, trap, takedown or something else while keeping him on the start of the next one while I execute my Actions fast and extremely aggressive non stop, as the Decision is to go AMOK!, so he has to Observe constantly and will have difficulty to reach the Decision point.
If the OODA loop is an unknown term I recommend reading about it as it is one of those things that is extremely important to know, and it has even more applications than only strategic warfare and combat, same goes with Musashi’s book ”The Book of Five Rings".
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Monday, September 2, 2013
Sunday, September 1, 2013
New focus courses on combativestraining.com
3 new focus courses on
Knife Fighting - Timing Exchanges
In 16 lessons over 22+ minutes for only $15, this series on Timing Exchanges
explores how to establish rhythm between you and a practice partner enabling
you to develop precise timing skills. Initially beginning with a 1-to-1
striking exchange, the lessons progress to 2-to-2, and then 2-to-1 exchanges,
to which we add the elements of counter-striking and footwork.
Knife Defense – Disarming Forward Hold
In 19 lessons over 37 + minutes for only $15, this series on Disarming Forward Hold
explores the various ways that you may grab and the best ways to leverage it
from their grasp using their body when you can, the environment if you can’t,
and off yourself as a last option (we closely examine this one).
This course details many of the fine points in achieving effective disarms and
the principles to set them up.
Knife Defense – Disarming Reverse Hold
In 14 lessons over 40+ minutes for only $15, this series on Disarming Reverse Hold
details how to leverage the blade from your attacker’s grasp depending on the
different ways you might grab it. Lessons include keeping it your left or right hand,
stripping it out of his hand, returning it to his body, and disarming incoming strikes
from any angle.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
The Protocol of Vengeance in Viking-age Scandinavia
Sefanit Tucker (Yale University)
Vexillum, Vol.3 (2013)
The Protocol of Vengeance in Viking-age Scandinavia seeks to discuss the importance of honor and the established structure of revenge in Northern Europe, namely Iceland, between the 9th and 10th centuries. In spite of both modern and contemporaneous portrayals of a violent people without law, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate the specific cases in which Viking society condoned and employed violence. To this effect, the paper will use particular examples from several major sagas, the only written records of pre-Christian Scandinavia, to outline the precise nuances of violence that corresponded with particular circumstances and stature of the individuals involved.
Read the whole article on http://www.medievalists.net/2013/08/23/the-protocol-of-vengeance-in-viking-age-scandinavia/
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
Power Corrupts? Groundbreaking New Neuroscience Study Says, “Absolutely.”
This is a very important factor as many martial arts systems are hierarchical in their structure and has a structure that gives powers, which often lead to wars for status and creates divisions by those who want more power. Nearly every martial style is fractured into many subgroups created by the lust for power than a disagreement on a personal level or how to perform the techniques correctly. That is what attracts me to AMOK! with it’s structure to avoid that power politics crap, we train in our group as individuals and no one is valued more than other by status, we are all equal by the way we treat each other, there is off course a difference in the skills of the individuals, but no one bows for anyone, we salute each others as equals and brothers, no big or smaller brother.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
Friday, August 9, 2013
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Characteristics of stab wounds
This looks bad, but it looks like a single stab, he could have been carved, sliced and diced, into a hamburger, he has good odds of surviving this with a little luck.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
.: Superhuman teen takes on 8 Oregon cops, steals ser...
.: Superhuman teen takes on 8 Oregon cops, steals ser...: A violent fight erupted in the lobby of the police records division inside City Hall of Beaverton, Oregon, last Friday when a teen grabbed...
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Interactive Gunfighting combat shotgun
Greg Cruz is one my absolute favourite teachers, he has all that one can dream of to the best teacher, his teaching method, his vast combat experience and he is a nice guy to be with. I was so lucky to attend a camp where he was teaching gun combat, and it was the absolute best I have ever seen.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
United Cutlery M48 Hawk Axe
This is the best tomahawk on the market it is
cheap and can take a solid beating, high quality for a low price.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Original Upload, I Just Shot Myself!
This should be an obvious lesson about what happens when disregarding some of the most vital rules for handling a firearm.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Friday, July 5, 2013
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Monday, July 1, 2013
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Arm Drag Series: CACC Catch As Catch Can
This is how to do a proper arm drag, not the sport version but the old school arm drag that propels the opponent forward to not get his elbow dislocated, locks are hooks that have failed, the old art of hooking (breaking limbs) instead of submissions.
Friday, June 21, 2013
The Science of Practice: What Happens When You Learn a New Skill
Thursday, June 20, 2013
I would advise anyone who wants to learn combat shooting to contact Greg Cruz, he is the best I have seen and feel proud to have the honour to have received training from him. Everyone claims to be the best, what really impressed me besides his amazing merits and skills was his teaching method, as being the best doesn’t always equates with being the best teacher, but he does gives one the skills and method to get the best out each person, a rare quality that he posses, to be the best and give the best training so you give your best effort to become the best you can be. Check out his Facebook page.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
100-man kumite. Shokei Matsui
It is insane and I have total respect for those who can do it, my 7 man kumite was pure hell as I was gassed out before the fights from the physical test and they were pure survival fights, just hanging in and try to win the 4 fights I needed to get my belt, that I barely managed to do and the last fight I was a punching bag as I couldn’t move at all and just hoped to not get KO, I was covered in blood and it was normal, on every photo of a 10 man kumite I have seen at the dojo I trained at, they were all smeared in blood and looked like they had been brutally assaulted, which the fight test becomes very fast no matter how well prepared one believes to be. Last time I did something similar was 8 years ago in an initiation ritual at an Old Boys Kyokushin club for high level above 30 years old, it was only punching 2 minutes rounds against 8 opponents in a row with no breaks in between, the first 4 tried to avoid to get hit and were defensive while I punched with maximum power, when I gassed out they suddenly stepped up the intensity to maximum intensity as I could not counter attack and I was in a pure survival mode, only trying to defend myself and the clock seemed so slow as it would never end, I hate those what I consider torture test as I learn nothing other that gassing out is the point where anyone can beat the crap out of me, but I knew that so it was merely the old school Kyokushin experience of getting beaten hard and survive and not quit before the order to stop is announced, I can't believe that I actually did want to one day try to do it when I was a teenager, happy I didn’t do it as my favourite fighter almost died from dehydration and the beating as he was not allowed to drink water in an extremely hot dojo with huge spotlights for the camera that raised the temperature even more, such test can do permanent damage as it had on the 7 years in a row world champ with no weight classes.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Anoka woman who fought back during knife attack tells others to "Fight Like a Girl”
- Article by: SHANNON PRATHER , Star Tribune
- Updated: June 11, 2013 - 4:39 PM
Angela Champagne-From relied on her self-defense training to fend off a knife-wielding attacker. She wants to make sure other women can fight back, too.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
BJJ Conditioning: The Swiss Ball Bridge Series with Roy Duquette & Emily...
I have my Swiss ball back, how I have missed it, the best chair ever besides a great training tool.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Athene's Theory of Everything
Interesting, for those who knows what Coin Theory is try to change the label wave and particle with attack and defence, the concept of time of only the present as the only important factor, the probability of where an electron appears statistically random with the use of techniques in combat. Then compare it with the model of the Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum mechanics and see if you can spot a similarity. One can easily create a model that fits but it will be pseudoscientific even if it matches so perfectly, but one can create more than philosophical conclusion out of this movie, a philosophical pseudoscientific model for combat. It will seem weird and odd if one is not into the laws of combat and not trained in AMOK!.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
National Guard airman awarded for bravery
Grutter, or Greg Cruz is the best firearms instructor I have the chance to meet
and receive training from, visit his website http://interactivegunfighting.com.
I have watched a lot of DVD’s about combat shooting, but I have never seen
anyone who could cover that in a way that was for me mind blowing, both the method,
content and the person was far beyond my wildest expectations. His approach to
teaching will change the way I teach, I would vouch him as the best for anyone
who wants to learn no BS skills in the most efficient and safest way. His life
reflects that he is not a virgin teaching sex as many do, so what you learn has
been tested and is not based on a few incidents. Respect is the single word I would
use to describe the man, for his combat experience, bravery, skills, knowledge,
the way he teaches and pass on information that will save your life the day you
need what he teaches. I am proud to have gained a new teacher and brother. AMOK!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Judo Instructor Loses His Cool
LMAO this is so funny, wonder if the teacher lives by belt colour, this is truly a compliant setup for training, I would never train any thing when with a minimal resistance the techniques don’t work their magic.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Qi 4.1 Prototype No.5
The words “Silver twill
G-10 handle” is now on my to buy list, I would ship my favourite silver
coins and hopefully buy a custom made piece of art with as many components as
possible made with silver and with a mechanism that is legal where I live, silver is one of my top hobbies and would love to
have the best blade on the planet from http://www.yunaknives.com made with the first silver coins I purchased,
as it kind of fits to protect silver with silver.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
Primal Warrior Series
I would recommend
the Primal Warrior DVD’s, it is among my top 10 DVD’s and covers not only
techniques but the far more interesting subjects as predatory mindset and body
mechanics, IMHO it is better to understand a few basic body mechanics than 1000
killer techniques, the reason is that fighting is chaotic and where and which position
and posture you or your opponent are in can be unique every time, it is easier
to improvise than to try to find the specific techniques that are appropriate
to a specific attack.
I remember my
first MMA training class, where I submitted a far more experienced opponent by
improvising an arm lock with my legs that was not a proper technique from side
mount, I have been lucky to improvise locks by seeing an opportunity (a body part)
and just try it out, they where all based on my limited basic knowledge about anatomy
which I have studied to know how ligaments, limbs works and what would injure
or permanent damage them. Most of the time I was always dominated and my 1st
single goal was just to survive as long time as I could, as the majority were
world BJJ champion, but defeat taught me how to survive and avoid being
submitted, the day I could roll and not tap out before switching partners was
awesome as it was my goal, some of the more experienced did not like it and against
the rules went for leg locks which I didn’t complain about but managed to escape
every time, suddenly I could be attacker than only trying to be defensive.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Super-Fine Filipino Fighters
A very interesting article for FMA practitioners.
Posted by Michael Janich & filed under Tactical Knives.
Traditional Filipino Weapons Co. offers true martial artists or collectors the cold steel that truly is bred for battle!
Photography by: Jeff Randall & DEverett Photography
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Rare Footage: Haga Junichi, Genius Swordsman of Showa Period Kendo
Watch the
end of the video, very interesting as the fight ends with ground fighting.
Haga Junichi,
sword combat,
sword saints
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