Copenhagen Combatives™ blog is about self-defence training, how to avoid violence, outdoor and urban survival, training methods, new scientific discoveries on physical and mental performance enhancement. This is an informative page about our fields of interest and what we do, for those who do not use Facebook, where our main page and forum are. Sincerely Kim Hansen, trainer for the Copenhagen Combatives™ Group For more info mail to me at (delete this)cph.combatives@gmail.com
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Ancient old weapons
I have a
thing for any kind of old weapon including firearms, not only bladed but all of them, it will take
a lifetime to get the opportunity to try and use them all, but it’s the journey
and not a goal, due to that it would be impossible for me as there is not
enough time. Best experience so far was given the permission to swing with very
ancient swords and daggers in a museum in Italy, cant go into details as I
promised not to tell about which museum as no one is allowed to do that so it
was a huge honour, but one of the swords that was one of the trips main
objectives to get the permission to do a replica of it, was so frail I was
afraid that it would turn to dust when I got it in my hands and was allowed to
swing it.
I reverse
gripping a beautiful 14th century dagger.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Supernatural pickpocketing skills!! Awesome to watch! - by Apollo Robbins
The only solution is to carry a fake wallet in the back pocket, I have saved my old expired Visa, ID and other cards so it looks like a wallet with real content a little cash.
Apollo Robbins,
crime prevention,
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Options for Consideration Active Shooter Training Video
Insane recommendation, what kind of idiot comes up with such a plan.
- By S.A. MILLER, Post Correspondent
- Last Updated: 5:44 AM, January 31, 2013
WASHINGTON — Is your workplace getting shot up by a crazed gunman?
No problem — just grab a pair of scissors and fight back!
That’s some of the helpful advice in a new instructional video from the Department of Homeland Security that was posted on the agency’s Web site just a month after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.
“If you are caught out in the open and cannot conceal yourself or take cover, you might consider trying to overpower the shooter with whatever means are available,” says the narrator in the video, which shows an office worker pulling scissors out of a desk drawer.
DUCK AND CUTTER: A Homeland Security video shows these scenes as helpful advice to workers on what to do if a mass killer strikes their office — grab any weapon at hand, and hide under a desk.
The video, titled “Options for Consideration,” also advises that people who get caught in an “active shooter” situation should run away, hide under a desk or take cover out of the line of fire.
The nearly four-minute-long video opens with chilling scenes from the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, the 2009 mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas, and the 2011 attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords.
But the video quickly shifts to hokey footage of office workers scampering under desks, crouching in corners and racing into closets to hide from a rampaging gunman on the loose.
“To protect your hiding place, lock the door if you can. Block the door with heavy furniture,” recommends the male narrator, speaking in measured, authoritative tones.
Other survival strategies promoted in the video include hiding “behind large items such as cabinets or desks. Remain quiet. Silence your cellphone or pager. Even the vibration setting can give away a hiding position.”
Richard Feldman, president of the Independent Firearm Owners Association, said he has a better option for consideration than a pair of scissors when confronting an armed mass murderer — a legal firearm.
“That’s why I prefer a gun, and I usually do carry a gun when it is lawful to do so,” said Feldman. “Clearly, you use whatever you can” to fight for your life, he said.
So if scissors are all you’ve got, grab them by all means.
The video is part of the Obama administration’s ongoing campaign to reduce firearm violence in the wake of the horrific mass murder last month of 20 children and six teachers in Newtown, Conn., said a Homeland Security official.
Homeland Security has operated an active-shooter preparedness-training program for years, and the “Options for Consideration” video was in production prior to the Dec. 14 shooting in Newtown.
The video was released to coincide with President Obama’s sweeping proposals to curb gun violence in America, said the official.
Obama’s most controversial proposals include a ban on military-style assault rifles and high-capacity ammo clips, as well as expanded background checks for firearm purchases.
Security consultant Andrew Scott called the information in the video “adequate.”
He conceded that Homeland Security was correct in recommending that people use scissors to attack a gunman but only in a “last, worst-case scenario.”
“Just the suggestion [to fight back] is a positive move,” said Scott, a former SWAT commander in North Miami Beach. “You don’t want to be sheep for the slaughter.”
But if you do arm yourself with shears, the narrator warns you to drop them when cops arrive.
“Put down any items. Immediately raise your hands,” is the closing advice.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Old 1938 Catch Wrestling SHOOT STYLE match Bronko Nagurski vs Gus Sonnen...
I am a big Catch
Wrestling fan, it is my favourite grappling style, more than BJJ, Freestyle or
any other style of wrestling.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Sunday, February 3, 2013
TV series "Battle of the Nations", episode 1
Interesting hardcore LARP, weird but exciting sport, as it seems as it is a kind of last man standing, since wearing so much armour every blow knocks you down and off course doesn’t kill you, and it’s a brawl where I would find it more interesting if a solid hit to the head or body stabs would create a winner as then there would be more Mexican standoffs, taking care to outsmart the other instead of running like it doesn’t matter how many times you get hit but are more determined to knock the other down. Funny but the setup reminds me of Russian hooligan fights, with coordinated groups with rules fighting in formations, I only hope that the Russians don’t cheat as they used to, I can’t never forget seeing Russian MMA fighters in the 90ies being beaten to a bloody pulp and win over a foreign opponent with not a scratch on his face, the only way to win was by KO or tap out as the judges would always be unfair, like in Japan, Korea and Thailand. Fairness is seldom in non westerns societies the only event that was fair has always been Shooto in Japan , they respected the fighters and let non Japanese win with no cheating. The worse was in Kyokushin with Mas Oyama threatening the judges with suicide if it was a non Japanese winner, so many outrageous decisions from judges.
This reminds me of the old point system in Latosa Escrima with 9 points rules, 3 points for headshots and disarms, 1 for body hits as far as I can remember, the fighting arena was very small, one half step backwards you would loose a point for backing away, one half step forward and you were in the kill zone, very exciting fights as only the foolish rushed in with no care about getting hit, I only countered by faking an attack and would move my helmet a bit back and see the stick miss and counter hit with a barrage of blow to the head and get my 9 points fast. I got so used to this way of fighting that I could not adapt to the new rules with counting who hit most, as suddenly everyone didn’t care and just rushed in and started to trade blows with no plan other than hitting more than the opponent instead of trying to avoid getting hit. I never lost a fight with the 9 point system but sucked at the new “most hit rules”, some would even throw away their sticks and punch the others to get as many 1 points for punches, something that I am pretty sure no one would do in a stick fight, to throw away your weapons and chose to get hit in the head hard to trade it for punches.
That is why duelling is important and this year I will keep a score when everyone is at training, keeping a record of winners, as due to different nature of duelling vs. sparring, no one rushes in like a crazy man hell-bent on annihilation, even though I do when get hit on my knife hand to surprise the other from going from stalking to a mad AMOK! rush when the opponents guard is prefect to that kind of attack. The rules of duelling are simple a hit to the body or head and you lose, a hit to the blade arm if there is no immediate hand switch you lose or else you continue to fight with the other hand and any other hit will make you lose, a hit to the leg requires an immediate lowering on the leg that is hit and any subsequent hits is a loss, if the opponents hit each other in the same short time frame with a kill shot they both lose. To make it exciting and having something to fight for, instead of duelling for $, there will be a present in January next year for the best fighter of the year, with the usual gift for the years best amok fighter which usually is something very useful for self defence and a another gift with the text “Best fighter of the year” award as this years calendar with the “Best fighter 2013” on the cover.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
Irish Bareknuckle Boxing Fight
This old tradition with Bareknuckle Boxing Fights, that has existed
since boxing started as an entertainment, has continued outside professional
boxing with gloves, with sadly many deadly outcomes. This is a problem as
safety is not an issue, and with gloves the odds are sky high to create brain
damage from the blows to the head and end up with “Dementia pugilistica” that is a
serious problem since it has horrible consequences.
Fighting bareknuckle
is very different for fighting with gloves, my first martial art was Kyokushin Karate,
where I used to fight 3-4 times every week with various training partners
besides regular training, competed in
tournaments and my biggest victory was the first big open European tournament
in Denmark, with 10’000 spectators and the best fighters in Europe, were
besides winning my weight class and had 4 fights that day to win the final, I
also did win the trophy for best technical fighter for the best KO in the
tournament, getting that was a mind blowing experience for me, since my
favourite European fighter from Sweden competed at that tournament and used to
win that trophy, he could kick an KO an opponent with a head kick even if he
was in a clinch due to his extreme mobility, he was a natural born fighter that
ended with being excluded due to a fight in a bar where he KO 35 people.
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