Thursday, May 31, 2012

Libre Fighting - Knife Application From a Seated Position (FMA, Martial ...

I like the videos they post on youtube, but this one is a bit strange, empty hand vs knife, knife vs knife, knife vs any weapon can be justified, but this one is hard to explain to a judge and jury that you had to kill a person sitting next to you, unless its an revenge based execution or contract kill.

4 Mistakes That Kill Your Half Guard

Stephan Kesting shares the four most common mistakes grapplers make in the half guard.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Headbutts Silence Wannabe Tough Guy

Headbutt from mount position is impossible to defend if both wrist/arms are pinned to the ground, difficult to defend from the guard with no training but at least there a lot more options to avoid a headbutt.

Silambam Documentary - Remesh S V

Real silambam fight

The guy with what looks like a ballerina skirt looks a bit silly, but the video is interesting and still makes me more determined to find long staffs to train with. Silambam or silambattam is a weapon-based Dravidian martial art from Tamil Nadu in south India

My Mad Methods is a great website for those who are interested MMA, BJJ, grappling, kettlebell and functional strength. Their subscriptions, DVD and gear store is excellent. 

33 Solo Grappling BJJ Drills in 7 Minutes - Jason Scully

Jason Scully showing Grappling BJJ Drills in 7 minutes, this is something you can do every day, who hasn’t 7 minutes to spare?

Ninja Apology

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Paintball Warfare - Epic Paintball Battle

Damn those dudes know how to have fun I am impressed.


A demo by Nihang Niddar Singh that demonstrates some aspects of Sanatan Shastarvidiya during one event, even if many disagree with him, me too on some points, he has a lot of wisdom to offer and shows a tribal warrior culture and not a martial art, that only recently has been showed to the public.

Catch Wrestling: Escaping Defense Position

Always a pleasure to watch Billy Robinson teaching Catch Wrestling in this Damage Control MMA youtube video.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Martial Arts Airport Action

As a KFM fan I like to see that they do seminars with other systems, this shows that they don’t have the, we know all and the only true answer attitude. This approach is far superior and not only more constructive but also opens ones eyes for other way to solve the same problem.

JT Torres - Sneaky Sweep from X-Guard - BJJ Weekly Issue #105

JT Torres continĂșes this week with a follow up technique from issue 104. From sit up guard, JT makes an inside hook. He demonstrates a transition into x-guard and finishes with a sweep. Remember, trust the position but don't wait around. Keep your opponent off balance and then execute the sweep.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Filipino Martial Arts: Missing the point

Very good article, I like that he criticise without naming what style he is describing as BS, FMA is the leading martial art in politics full of lies and trash talk, I respect this way of dealing with it as this can be used to view any kind of style that are similar to what he describes. I don’t agree with him 100% and believe that some of his points are wrong, but I will leave that up to the readers to what extent they agree with the article. To read it click on the link below.  

Filipino Martial Arts: Missing the point

Friday, May 25, 2012

Portuguese Stickfighting JOGO DO PAU

This looks like our last weekends training only difference is that we go for the hands, elbow or head with each blow and try to avoid stick on stick contact, only go for stick on body part or a counter attack that besides parrying will hit the opponent with 1 strike. 

We use the Super Stiff Flex Stick 31" - Gray Wrapped Handle from the Dog Brothers web shop. This allows us to do sparring with full power, hockey gloves, forearm/elbow protection and helmet is a must, it will not break bones but leave bruises and bulges on the skull.

The less stiff model requires less protection, but looses the stick like feeling and absorbs more of the impact power. The Super Stiff Flex Stick 31" is the best padded stick we have ever used.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rare Guru Dan Inosanto Footage 1990

The 3 Most Common Errors in the X Guard

Stephan Kesting shows how to fix the 3 most common errors people make in the X Guard, which is a powerful sweeping position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Submission Grappling and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Leatherman MUT EOD Multi-Tool Available at KnifeCenter

MMA Techniques: Guard Pass to Leg Lock

A new technique from Damage Control MMA

Tommy Heyes pt3, Jack Mountford & Darren Morris (lancashire catch wrestl...

tommy heyes (Lancashire catch as catch can wrestling) part2

Tommy Heyes (Lancashire catch as catch can wrestling) part 1

Billy Robinson - Sakuraba is one of my boys and a real CACC wrestler

Having trained BJJ and was amazed when I saw the beginning of the UFC, I was sure that BJJ was the ultimate grappling system.

Kazushi Sakuraba is one of my favourite MMA fighters a real CACC wrestler and the first one to win against all the Gracie’s and their best fighters and made it look like a walk in the park.

Watching DVD’s with Billy Robinson has completely changed my view on grappling, this is not a gentle art as Judo, Judo is an effective grappling system that formed the base for BJJ, but  Catch-as-Catch-Can Wrestling is brutal and IMO my favourite grappling style a true NHB style.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Weak Men Pay This Boxing Coach Eric Kelly To Tell Them They Are Terrible...

LOL funny video but I have to disagree, I believe that I can teach anyone how to fight, some learn faster or slower than others. It’s not always only the student’s fault that he sucks, but also the coach’s attitude towards his students, his ability to teach and pass on his knowledge. I have proved this a few times during the years I have been teaching various styles of martial arts. 

Anglo-Saxons and hand-saex

Interesting article on the origin of the word for knife

Combate Militar com Facas

More Brazilian Combatives videos that looks quite interesting. 

kombato marinha 10 anos.wmv

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Dart-Throwing Motion of the Wrist: Is It Unique to Humans?

This is also a very informative article as the previous one.

Evolution of the human hand: the role of throwing and clubbing

A really interesting article, for our group it is even more important, as we favour natural genetically imbedded skillset as throwing to learn how to punch with the least amount of training. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Chai Sirisute Muay Thai Basics Narration By Dan Inosanto

Nice Muay Thai instructional with Chai Sirisute, narrated by Dan Inosanto

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wenger Swiss Army 16999 Giant Knife Beats - KnifeCenter

Sometimes less is more, in this case I would never buy such a monstrous multi tool Swiss army knife, I would rather learn how to use the full potential of how to use a knife as a tool and toolmaker.

Joe Rogan on kung fu and Martial Arts

Kung fu "Master" responds to Joe Rogan - Monkeyfist

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Reading about the founder of this system, one thing strikes me is that he mentions he has attended a lot of seminars during the 90ties in Russia, being one of the most racist countries my guess is that not many Philippine martial arts clubs are prevalent, attending seminars is by no means a guarantee of quality and in many cases expensive toilet paper.

 He is a qualified Systema instructor of the original style and not the one practiced in many countries outside Russia, this is a better indicator of his skills and something I can respect, but it doesn’t look like Systema so my guess is that he has created his own FMA inspired stick fighting style.

Russian style VOIN System avi

Kurt Osiander's Move of the Week - Hand Wrapping

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sanatan Shastarvidiya - Spring 2012 Seminar - Pt1

I remember watching a documentary with Richard Dawkins where he interviewed a scientist about how the eye works and that it had a blind spot, this was used as a counterargument against the intelligent design argument of the perfection of the eye’s design was the proof of a creator, but this flaw was not very favourable to the human species and hence not perfect.

I had since then tried to find a way to use this information to combat, how to attack from the right angle so the opponent could not see it coming. My interest in biology and evolution has helped me a lot to explain some simple facts, as why do our peripheral vision expand with 15 degree, which IMO is very simple not that long ago in a biological evolutionary timescale we used to hunt by looking down to track our prey and not step on a scorpion, snake or other things that are not healthy for anyone, if our peripheral vision was narrowed instead of expand we would be easy prey ourselves if we didn’t spot danger fast enough.

Seeing this used by Sanatan Shastarvidiya was what I had been looking for in many years, I was just about to read Steven Pinker’s book “Visual Cognition” to see if there was more info about this, but the worst and extremely most boring chapter I have ever read was the chapter “The Mind’s Eye” in his other book “How the Mind Works” where there was not any of the information I was searching for.

Monday, May 7, 2012

How to Street Fight 101

From Guru Dan Sullivan shares some sneak peaks from his up coming DVD Series and we discuss the value of Martial Skills in the world of Defensive Tactics.

Four Sources on Messer Combat

There are a lot of similarities between FMA and European medieval combat arts, which should not be a surprise since we are built the same way there will be similar solutions to the same problems.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Oldboy - 25:1 Fight Scene (HQ)

This movie is very weird, but the fight scenes are fantastic.

"Exposure", 1991, (aka High Art, A Grande Arte) Hermes, excerpt Part II

I loved this movie, it took me several years to track it down as the title varies depending on which part of the world it was shown.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Man from nowhere end fight

Awesome fight scenes, aesthetic choreography my cup of the, this clip makes me want to buy the movie.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Better Angels of our Nature

A shorter version of Steven Pinker’s presentation about his book “The Better Angels of our Nature

Steven Pinker - The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined

A must read book for those who are interested in violence, "The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined".

Boxer's Fracture - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Educational video describing the condition and treatment of a boxer's fracture. Fracture injury most commonly affecting the neck of the 5th metacarpal bone.

Study of Fighters Shows Brain Changes Are Seen Before Symptoms

A study in Las Vegas has found that boxers’ brains may show physical changes in areas that deal with functions like memory and alertness before they exhibit any cognitive declines.

Sanatan Shastarvidiya & Filipino Martial Arts Seminar 2011

Sanatan Shastarvidiya - Tulwar Part 3 of 3 (swordmanship)

Sanatan Shastarvidiya - Tulwar Part 2 of 3 (swordmanship)

Sanatan Shastarvidiya - Tulwar Part 1 of 3 (swordmanship)

Cold Steel on Sikh Warrior Arts - Sanatan Shastarvidiya

15th century Lancashire work of art, maybe the oldest Catch-as-Catch Wrestling depiction there is. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

ESPN Amazing Games - Chinese Wrestling

This is very interesting as this type of wrestling competition is new to me, even more interesting as many martial artist don’t link China with wrestling, the boxing styles are more famous and schools can be found in nearly every country. To my knowledge I have never seen or heard of any place where this form of Chinese wrestling is taught. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

10 MORE ways to finish the armbar when your opponent locks his hands tog...

10 Ways to Finish the Armbar

Improve your brain health and performance

Build your Personalized Training Program

Armbar from Guard: the Three Most Common Errors

Stephan Kesting has also a lot of good youtube videos to view, he sells a 5 DVD's set from his website. Reading what he has trained is impressive:

My name is Stephan Kesting, and I'm a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu blackbelt, and have been doing martial arts for over 30 years.
I'm also a certified instructor in Erik Paulson's Combat Submission Wrestling, a blackbelt in Kajukenbo Karate, an instructor in Dan Inosanto's Jun Fan JKD, Maphalindo Silat and Filipino Martial Arts program. I've also studied Japanese Judo, Russian Sambo, various Chinese Kung Fu systems, Brazilian Capoeira, Muay Thai Kickboxing, and many other martial arts.

How to do the North South Choke by Marcelo Garcia

Marcelo Garcia talks with Stephan Kesting about how to set up and execute the North South choke.

Pedro Sauer: Arm Bar Re Counters and Sweeps off your back

Pedro Sauer Sweep from Knee on Belly

Master Pedro Sauer how to tap a black belt

Pedro Sauer has a lot of good youtube videos to view which makes it easier to judge if its worth buying the DVD's from his website.