As we are all built the same way and there is a universal design of our bodies, the same techniques will be found in a lot of styles, I don’t believe that there is an ancient common combat style that has spread from country to country throughout history. It is more likely that it’s due to our similarity of how our body works, many styles have common techniques but they are more different than what they have in common.

Copenhagen Combatives™ blog is about self-defence training, how to avoid violence, outdoor and urban survival, training methods, new scientific discoveries on physical and mental performance enhancement. This is an informative page about our fields of interest and what we do, for those who do not use Facebook, where our main page and forum are. Sincerely Kim Hansen, trainer for the Copenhagen Combatives™ Group For more info mail to me at (delete this)
Monday, April 30, 2012
Senshido Fundamentals & Shredder Seminars Highlights with Richard Dimitri
Cant wait to do a multiple attackers sparring, we used to do it a lot, but the biggest problem is that even if tell everyone to keep the intensity low 10 times, after 1 minute everyone forgets that simple instruction as they are under massive pressure and it suddenly escalate to a point were it is dangerous. My hope is that we can do it with our Spartan Gear still with low intensity, but the point were I have to stop the sparring due to the level of danger for the participants will be delayed significantly. We have invested a lot of money to get full body protection to do sparring with training weapons and empty hand defence with any level of intensity as we want to and still keep it safe.
Protective gear,
Richard Dimitri,
Spartan Gear
Reclaiming the Blade John Waller Royal Armouries
I have been lucky to train with many competent European medieval combat instructors, but John Waller and his son Jonathan Waller are IMO among the best and most competent on this planet, they started way before many started to be interested in European medieval combat.
European Martial Arts,
John Waller,
Jonathan Waller,
Zwerchhau, absetzen, nachreissen - longsword techniques training
Training with European medieval swords was one of my favourite hobbies, the biggest problem was how to perform the various techniques from the ancient fencing books, after being introduced to a systematic way to analyze combat by training and teaching AMOK! it showed me a superior way to become more efficient and functional faster.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Catch Wrestling: a study of Kazushi Sakuraba
This fighter changed my view on combat, seeing Royce Gracie fight in the early UFC started my journey with training BJJ and MMA, Kazushi Sakuraba showed me that there was an almost forgotten grappling style that was not only extremely efficient, but also had many lethal techniques that are banned in BJJ and MMA..
catch wrestling,
Kazushi Sakuraba,
Pride FC,
1903 Catch-as-Catch-Can Match with technique commentary
We use mainly Catch-as-Catch-Can concepts as basis for our grappling instead of BJJ, this is not absolute as we invite BJJ practitioners to come and teach us various escapes, it's not based on what system is best, but many techniques are illegal in BJJ that we train to use as neck cranks, face cranks and leg locks early that are illegal in competitions.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Top Clubbell Myths #1 - Clubbells and Indian Clubs are the Same Thing
are a good ancient training tool for wrestlers, it has been used by wrestlers
in various part on the globe and is still one of the best tool. Besides being a
tool for training the whole body, it’s better than any other tool for shoulder,
grip strength and mobility.
Circular motion of the knife with Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje
Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje Jr on how to use circular motion with a knife for different purposes.
Copenhagen Combatives Group new system The Kratos Combatives™
The Copenhagen Combatives™ Group have launched an
independent systems besides our regular AMOK! training, which is the most ultra
functional system proven in combat based on short blade techniques. This is
what we predominately teach as a defence system against armed and unarmed
attacks, how to use any object as a weapon, recognising and evading an assault
by learning how to spot the subtle cues before an attack is launched.
The independent systems is:
The Kratos Combatives™ a methodology to use any kind
of historical weapons inspired by my mentor and teacher Tom Sotis. This
is to show how the framework and methodology from AMOK! can be utilized to any
kind of weapon. A hybrid martial art based on geometry for empty hand defence,
where the goal is to give functional self-defence skills with the minimum
amount of time, by utilising the most common flinch responses as a defence. Utilising
genetically pre-programmed movements as attacks, as for example using the
movement from throwing an object to use it for a punch, throwing is such a
complex movement that its not a skill learned its there from birth, but can be
improved by training and change it to other purposes.
The Grip Force Adapter Kicks Butt! by
Paul Gomez has always something interesting to say like this youtube video
Friday, April 27, 2012
The Ultimate Mma Strength And Conditioning Program
The Internet's #1 Workout Program For Mma / Mixed Martial Arts.
The Internet's #1 Workout Program For Mma / Mixed Martial Arts.
After waiting for this project to launch, we can finally announce that it now is possible to see instructional videos with Tom Sotis about how to defend yourself against knife attacks, unarmed or with a knife.
Combatives Training,
Practical Combatives,
Tom Sotis
I have
decided to launch this blog again in English instead of Danish, so we will after a
few years break start again from scratch. The decision is based on the success of
our Facebook groups which are in English, as the majority of Danes can read English
it will not have any impact on how many domestic readers will not choose to
read it.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Boxer's Fracture - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim
In our training we use open hand slaps or strikes to attack the head,
this is to avoid injuries, not only the one described in the video, but also to
avoid gangrene due to infection in the knuckles if its cut by a tooth and the
person has a poor dental hygiene the chances are very high. Another and the
most important factor is if you break a finger, your ability to access and use
a weapon will be diminished, even to the point where it is impossible.
Monday, April 23, 2012
The Twister - Wrestlers Guillotine for MMA
Funny how many techniques have always been there but when rediscovered they become almost mythical.
Old CACC Wrestling - Billy Riley, The Snake Pit and Billy Robinson in hi...
The first part of the video with Billy Riley I have not seen it before, the other with Billy Robinson are in the “Billy Robinson-War Catch Wrestling” DVD as bonus material.
Billy Riley,
Billy Robinson,
catch wrestling,
The Snake Pit,
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