Sunday, July 29, 2012

CQB - Shooting Through Walls

Undoubtedly an extremely controversial topic, we used to work it routinely when I was working SWAT. It involves the concept of shooting an adversary directly through an interior wall. The tactic has been used by bad guys many times.  Just do a search on Google for "shooting through walls". It is a viable special tactic and you must understand its advantages to you as well as how it may be used against you.

For example, your partner is moving into a room and takes fire at the door from the extreme left side of the room. Solution - bring up your rifle or pistol and shoot from the area adjacent to the door - to the extreme left area of the room at face/upper chest level, then lowering your muzzle to where a man may go if he takes a knee, bring your shots back toward the starting point.

Think of writing a long "C" with your shots.

I can see the Fudds wringing their hands in abject terror and worry. I do not write for them.  I write for you so that, when you get tested in a gunfight, you will have the tools to prevail. Do not get sidelined by the low standards of others.  What is needed -

1). Certainty that the adversary is in the room alone. The only thing worse than missing a shot on a bad guy is shooting a non-combatant. But lets think about that.  For the SWAT guy...your entire Team is behind you and your intell is that the bad guy is alone in the house.  Or for the homeowner...your entire family is behind you and the only other possible occupants in your house are hostiles.  In either case, you are good to go.  Hesitation kills. 

2). The ability to penetrate the interior wall. Many gun writers get orgasmic about limited penetration yet they miss the mark like a 3 year old at an airport restroom. You want penetration. This is easily done with anything anyone would care to carry on a sling or in a holster. Just stay away from all the low penetration stuff.

Note - Furniture may affect performance.

3). An understanding of human nature. When shots are fired, nobody is going to stand around in some goofy weaver stance or in any kind of position.  Look at the youtube footage of gunfights.  People will move.  It is very likely that the man who tries to kill you will run into a room...or at least run behind cover.  Understand that this will happen and plan to counter it.  The matter is not simply shooting through walls but also shooting through his cover.

More Intelligent Discussions On This Topic At WarriorTalk

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