Sunday, July 15, 2012

Characteristics Of Manipulative People.

Luckily I have not been working for others and have been self-employed more than 10 years, when I meet manipulative people on internet forums, if I sense that the discussion has passed the state of debating and it’s about showing dominance, I drop it right away or else its easy to debate ad infinitum and has no informative value.

If I have one in my group that is a manipulative character, that wants to show dominance towards the others in the group, they get a chance to change and if they don’t understand why, I have to exclude them. It’s easy to spot them, they have their own opinion of how the drills should be and don’t do what you assign them to do, they speak about subjects as if they know it all and any person with more knowledge change their face, everyone looks very annoyed and I have to say can we please go back to continue training. The more extreme cases tries to use others to show dominance, by teaching others in their first training session, pointing out that another teacher does it different and more correct, even if he cant see that it was the same.

I can tell a story about the worst one I have met, he started to show his characters as he insisted that others should bow to me, one thing I insist on not being a part of our conduct, we salute each other as equal individuals. He always tried to teach others even if he was a new, but by the power of his high rank in other martial arts and his high academic status with several studies. The last straw that made me ban him was his demand to have 50% of my income, he felt that due to have introduced some persons to training in our group that it justified his demands.

The best solution to manipulative persons is to avoid them, be quick to get rid of them, if you want to torture yourself by changing their character buy a book, watch videos about studies on how to deal with them.

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