Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 4: Kettlebell, Sandbag, & Bodyweight Workout Day 4 of the Fitness Is Function Workout Program involves a sandbags, kettlebell, and bodyweight exercises in a different variations from Day 1, but the same circuit training format.
Workout Program: Fitness Is Function
Workout Plan: Unconventional Training Basics
Day: 4 of 28

Purpose/Focus: Strength, Conditioning
Difficulty: Beginner
Body Parts Used: All
Equipment: Kettlebell, Sandbag

Day 4: Kettlebell, Sandbag, & Bodyweight Workout

Day 4: Kettlebell, Sandbag, & Bodyweight Workout Instructions:

Perform each mini circuit with no rest in between exercises and 1-2 minutes between circuits for set A, B, and C. Rest 30 seconds between each Happy Ending (HE) set.
A1: Kettlebell Push Press - 3-5 x 10ES
A2: Sandbag Shouldering - 3-5 x 20
A3: Close Grip Push Up - 3-5 x 20
B1: Goblet Squat - 3-5 x 20
B2: Sandbag Side-to-Side Deadlift - 3-5 x 20
B3: Squat Jump - 3-5 x 20
C1: Kettlebell Up & Over - 3-5 x 20
C2: Sandbag Should Sit Up - 3-5 x 20
C3: Elbow to Knee Plank - 3-5 x 20ES
HE: Sandbag Clean & Push Press - 4 x 60 sec

Contributor Information:

My Mad Methods, Mark de Grasse
Mark de Grasse is the owner of, My Mad Methods Magazine, and My Mad Methods Productions. In addition to being a certified trainer specializing in kettlebells and bodyweight training, Mark is also the chief editor and designer of both the website, magazine, and My Mad Methods Productions DVDs. Find out more.

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