Monday, December 10, 2012

Knife defence training on the ground

I had planned basic knife training on the ground today, teaching about correct posture, how to use asphalt as weapons, basic escapes as I assumed our new prodigy didn’t have any grappling training, and what a pleasant surprise that he has trained Judo and even did win a competition when he was very young, so no need to waste time on the basics. In every grappling style I have trained, MMA, BJJ and Submission Wrestling there was always situational sparring, starting from the various isolated positions and start from there, very good idea to train isolated skillset but there is a few problems that have changed how we will train it, after those with no prior experience have learned and know about correct posture and escapes, they will ASAP learn how to do it from a random position when they hit the matt after a takedown.

Instead of starting from the various ideal positions, we did a soft takedown and started from the position we landed, that very seldom is like the perfect one you start from in a situational sparing, so from now on we will do various takedowns and start sparring from that position with the primary goal to escape and get up ASAP. Any kind of submission attempts I have chosen that diminishment is primary, as in disarms, as I always have found it hard to submit others unless they land in my favourite positions that I can exploit, there is always room for an elbow on the way to hit with before some submissions as with a top wristlock as the best example.

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